Animal Welfare, Animal health and production.
To see and to exhibit natural behavior have heifers and mature cows needs sufficient light. A illumination from about 130 lux is sufficient. In addition, the animals have a daily period of darkness (<5 lux) is required at least 6 hours in order to reset their biological clock. Cows can probably see color, but any effects of a light color on the cow are unknown.
The development of young animals is stimulated by light. Calves and heifers benefit from a day length of approximately 16 hours. The fertility of cows is also stimulated by a day length of approximately 16 hours.
The milk of cows can be increased by about 8 to 9 percent by lengthening daylight hours outside the summer months with artificial light and 16 hours of light (and 8 hours of dark). This requires a necessary illuminance of at least 150 lux, measured at animal level
(i.e., at eye level animals). Light needs described above by the entrepreneur and cow is satisfied by applying a light intensity of at least 150 lux and daily during the daily light period applying a dark period of at least six hours at an illuminance less than five lux.
The lamps should be installed so that a uniform light distribution over the stall is reached and said illuminance levels are taken at animal level. Eco-Line recommends for cowsheds with a ridge height of 6mtr. and higher to apply the Eco-line clock fixtures. These luminaires have a fine dispersion so that a uniform light level arises in your stable.
Depending on the dimensioning of the farmhouse can be determined which and wattage light source is necessary to achieve the desired brightness.